Wednesday 16:00 pm - 17:15 pm FIT seminar room

livMatS Core lecture | Prof. Ingo Krossing | How to batteries work? From basics to the livMatS context

In the livMatS context, in pillar A and the Solstore-Lab electrical energy is produced and stored inside a battery.
But how does a battery work? What are current systems and their limitations? What about their foot-print and what would be sustainable next generation systems?

Hence, the lecture will briefly describe the battery chemistry in simple words, address the components of a cell, review classical systems and describe the eternal struggle for better, e.g. more sustainable and/or resilient battery systems. In addition, the ideas and basics for future „post-lithium“ battery systems are given and a few systems explained explicitly. Moreover, the ecological footprint and demand for critical raw materials will be addressed in each section to raise sensibility for the concers and eventually find work-arounds. By the end of this lecture, young researchers will be able to:
• Recognize the basic operation principle of any battery
• Differentiate between principle components of a battery
• Understand the key data of a battery, i.e. open circuit voltage, specifcic energy and capacity and cycle life.