Mittwoch 16:00 Uhr - 17:15 Uhr FIT seminar room

livMatS Colloquium | Prof. Tommaso Magrini (Eindhoven Technical University) | Irregular Architected Composites: from Bioinspired Design to Mechanical Performance

Composite materials with high strength and high fracture resistance are desirable for structural and protective applications. Most composites, however, suffer from poor damage tolerance and are prone to unpredictable fractures. In my talk, I will report a novel approach to design architected composites reinforced by a continuous irregular network generated through computer-assisted materials design algorithms. [1] The algorithms stochastically assemble a selection of simple tiles relying on predefined adjacency rules, that control independently the topology and the local geometry of the microstructure. This allows a precise control over the mechanical reinforcement across multiple length scales. [1] Using quasi-static and dynamic mechanical testing, I will highlight how the reinforcing architecture of the composites influences the strength, the stiffness, and the energy dissipated during fracture.
Finally, in my talk, I will showcase how computer-assisted materials design algorithms can be used to as a new venue for biomimicry and bioinspiration. [2] Using the example of the inner structure of the orange peel, I will display how it is possible to rationalize and replicate the complex architecture of biological materials, to generate bioinspired reinforcing structures with superior mechanical performance. [2]

[1] T. Magrini, C. Fox, A. Wihardja, A. Kolli and C. Daraio “Control of Mechanical and Fracture Properties in Two-Phase Materials Reinforced by Continuous, Irregular Networks,” Advanced Materials, p. 2305198, 2023, doi: 10.1002/ADMA.202305198.

[2] C. Fox, K. Chen, M. Antonini, T. Magrini and C. Daraio “Extracting Geometry and Topology of Orange Pericarps for the Design of Bioinspired Energy Absorbing Materials” Advanced Materials, p. 2405567, 2024, doi: 10.1002/adma.202405567.

Since 2024, Tommaso Magrini is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). As an Assistant Professor, Dr Magrini explores the processing and mechanics of Bioinspired and Biomimetics Architected Materials, leveraging advanced materials design tools and additive manufacturing. Before joining TUe, Dr Magrini was a Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), in the team of Prof. Chiara Daraio, in the Mechanical Engineering department. Dr Magrini carried out his PhD in Materials Science at ETH Zurich, in the group of Prof. André Studart focusing on bioinspired composites, for which he was awarded the MRS Silver Graduate award, and received prizes such as the BASF Sustainability Award and the Avantama Most Commercialization Potential Award.