Ershuai Jiang
Doctoral Researcher
Research Area A and Demonstrators
Cluster of Excellence livMatS @ FIT – Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies
Phone: +49 761 203 4797
Email: ershuai.jiang@livmats.uni-freiburg.de
Development, characterisation and integration of flexible solar modules as energy supply unit in a livMatS demonstrator
Within this project, I will develop tailored flexible organic solar modules that will be an integral part of livMatS demonstrators. This requires the modules to meet several prerequisites: Their size and shape need to be adapted to the demonstrators’ specific layout. Their energy harvesting functionality has to be robust, i.e. the modules should also deliver electrical power under low intensity indoor light. And the modules should exhibit a partial visual transparency, which can be realized using organic absorber materials. To ensure longevity and resilience, compartmentalization will be explored as a strategy, so that in case of failure not the entire module but just a compartment will fail. During the first part of the project, I will adapt existing technologies for flexible solar module fabrication to the needs of the livMatS demonstrators and improve their functionality (transparency, low illumination performance, resilience). In the second part of the project, I will approach the integration of flexible solar-charging supercapacitors, based on the monolithical combination of solar modules with, for example, flexible carbon-based supercapacitors. This should add an energy storage functionality to the solar modules.
First supervisor
Publications in livMatS
- Over 1000 V DC Voltage from Organic Solar Mini-Modules*
Jiang, E., List, M., Jamali, A., Würfel, U. (2024): Over 1000 V DC Voltage from Organic Solar Mini-Modules (2024). ACS Energy Letters 2024, 9, 908-910. doi: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c02770 - A mini organic solar module with an open-circuit voltage higher than 1100 V under indoor light*
Jiang, E., Jamali A., List, M., & Würfel, U. (2023). A mini organic solar module with an open-circuit voltage higher than 1100 V under indoor light. Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS). doi: 10.29363/nanoge.matsus.2023.218